I have been so bad about updating my blog! Sorry about that guys. Oh and I do miss hanging out with you. The past few times I have jumped on chat it has been so short I just get time to do a few shout outs and then have to run. Blame the new 9-5
I'm working on trying to find a balance in my schedule so we'll see how it turns out.
So I had to go to Las Vegas the first week of Jan. to work for the CES convention. I had a lot of fun handing out cloud balloons to people and I got to dress up like an angel. It's fun being an angel in the middle of sin city
After that I didn't want to go home because I only had a few days before I had to be back to Vegas again for AVN/ AEE and a bunch of parties. Utah was blizzard status and I had a rough week and just wanted to get away so I hopped on the first open flight and ended up in Baltimore. I had a really good time hiding out for a few days and felt much better by the time I got back to Vegas. I met a bunch of new girls while I was in Vegas and went to some fun parties for Adam and Eve, Wicked, and Girls gone wild. I won't get into that too much here but you can obviously read about that on my other blog that follows the adult side of my life (andisbedroomdiary.xanga.com)
After Vegas I came straight back to Utah for Sundance. We didn't get the cabin this year so I was making the 4 hour commute to Park City every day
Not fun! All the girls were booked out way early this year and even my back up girls and crew got booked for paid gigs. It was great for the team but sucky for the celeb lounge because we had absolutely no models or reserves to call in to work it. I pulled in all kinds of random people to get it covered but we had a fun group. Kevin (Sorbo) came in and since he see's me at all the lounges he knows me now. I'm not going to lie when guests ask for me by name I still blush a little because they remembered me. He caught me during my brief stint as a photographer (I was just subbing for one of the photogs that was going to come in late). He started laughing and said "hey I thought you were a model!" but when I told him he was witnessing my debut as a celebrity photographer he gave me quite a few candid and.... unique poses lol
Andy Frasco and his band came back. One of the guys was dressed as superman. I forget his real name so I just call him superman. He was pretty obsessed with my fluffy boot covers so I let him wear them over his skinny jeans. He was so excited he ran around the lounge with his cape flying, furry legs and all. It was pretty ridiculous. The guys from foo fighters came so I spent a lot of time with them. I forget the girlfriends name..Daryl Hannah maybe? She was in splash forever ago, anyway, I spent a lot of time with her too.
I personally think the lounge was not as exciting as the after parties. We got invited to a former child actor's private party but it was a thong party and you had to come in a thong...uh no thanks. I guess he thinks being naked in freezing cold blizzard weather is a good idea. I don't know what it is with rappers but man they love their asians! lol The girls got invited to every after party that was concert related. We worked a private party for the douche actor I hooked up with years and years ago. Ugh, he's so annoying! Can't stand him. That night felt really long and after the party was over everyone wanted to hang out so it also involved a lot of whisky. Andi buzzed and loose on the streets is a dangerous combination for sure! We won't get into my whisky induced antics right now either....
I didn't want to work Sundance this year (because of the anxiety problem I have been dealing with) so I skipped out on a lot of things but the girls convinced me to go out 5 out of the 7-8 nights and I did hit 3 of the movies (not bad btw) so I wasn't TOO much of a hermit. I didn't really have any celebrities that I wanted to see except for one so I didn't go with the younger girls to main street after work on most of the nights. One night though, they talked me into going onto main because our friends band was playing and there and we needed to stop by a few lounges to network with old friends and visit Ber. She was working at this place that had all vegetarian food (gross) so we went in and ordered. J likes veggie chili and Lenisa eats vegetarian so she was ok but Sev got a burger and said he thought he was going to puke
I didn't taste it but it smelled like cow food. I asked the girl if she had anything fried and she looked at me like I kick puppies or something. The closest thing I could find to real food was chips so I ordered that but they were not chips!
After the food disaster we were walking down main and I looked to my right and there was the actor I was hoping to see sitting right next to the window I was standing at! I just ducked without even thinking about it lol I'm seriously such a spaz sometimes. So I moved away from the window because we had been standing there but I didn't want to look like some creep standing right out the window since it wasn't intentional. J, Lenisa, and Sev were all looking at me like I was crazy for moving up the street so fast so I told them actor was in there and those nerds all walk back and stand there and stare at him through the window like he's a puppy in a pet store!!! I'm like, "guys quit being weird, get away from the window!" Then they say it's rude not to say hi so they are trying to push me in front of the window (by this time him and all of the people at his table have seen us causing a ruckus right outside). I wouldn't because how weird is that?! I'm not just going to stand there and wave like a creeper out the window. So I said no and we had get going to see our friends band play. My friends kept making me feel guilty and saying I was being rude so I finally went back and said hi but wow, how awkward. J admitted afterward that maybe it was a little more awkward than she had thought it would be. I was pretty distracted by his friends chest hair (you really just had to be there to get that one) and J was in love with his voice and outfit. She added him to her style list for her Sundance style review. Then we were already in and we had made friends with some guys while we were waiting in line to get in and aftor actor and entourage left we saw the line guys at the bar so we stayed and hung out for a bit. Sev was PISSED that we ditched him with Lenisa. She got over it fast but oh man!!! When we went and found him later he was like F*** you guys. I couldn't stop laughing because he was totally right. We suck. We are total jerks. It was an awful time to laugh but that's usually how it goes. He got pretty drunk so I drove that night. He says I really suck. He's never been so terrified in his life. Hey, I warned him....
Well that's my recap from the last couple of weeks. Pics to follow..hopefully. Since then I just worked a ton at my new job, went to Brazil, visited in Arizona for a weekend, had a few parties with my sisters and now I'm getting ready for Oscars. I get to work with some insanely hot guys this weekend so I'm pretty stoked about it
I'll let you guys know how it goes. Kisses,
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