I almost didn’t get to go! I had a bit of a rough start because I missed my hair and make-up appointment, lost my paperwork, didn’t have a mask (mandatory to get in), and had to wear a generic outfit that I already had because I didn’t have time to sew mine. I designed the cutest outfit! It’s ok though. Mine turned out to be more original than I thought and people loved it so I’ll really surprise them when I show up next year without an outfit to top it. Anyway, after I finally hit a party store for my mask and did my own hair and make-up I was as ready as I was going to be. I got dropped off at the check in and immediately got hit with the nerves. The girls are SOOO pretty! They all were standing there in various forms of lingerie looking perfect and plastic and I rolled up cute but looking very “girl next door”. They had that signature blonde hair at full volume and there were plump lips and fake breasts everywhere. As the only non-augmented girl I started to feel like maybe they had asked me there on accident. I know I’m cute but it still shakes you up a little bit when you come face to face with multiple playmates. So I just started talking to people. When I get nervous I start networking and making moves. I immediately made friends with this super gorgeous native American mix girl selling bikinis to people as they went in. She had really great stuff so we talked for a while and she gave me great tips about what to expect when I got there.
I made it to the shuttle (had to throw away my curling iron though
) and sat next to a girl that looked like real life playmate Barbie. Her name was Michelle. She was so nice. When she found out I came alone she offered to show me around. On the way there I felt like a little kid going to Disneyland or something. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Then we pulled up to the mansion and all my butterflies just went away. This is so cheesy to say but it felt like a fairytale to me. The mansion and the grounds were all decked out. Crystal must have had a hand in the decorating plans because everything was breathtaking. There were crystals and chandeliers in the trees, candles and sparkles everywhere. I have been once before but it was nothing compared to this. We took a bunch of pictures and I’m sure I spent a good hour and a half just eating. A lot of people were at the bar so there wasn’t a line for food. I may be small but I love to eat so I tried a little bit of everything.
They sure do know their food! After that I went inside to listen to Crystal (Hef’s new wife) because she was spinning for a bit. Made some more friends and took a bunch of pictures with Michelle. There were a few other Utah people so I made friends with them.
I spent a bunch more time with the monkeys and other animals and then played in the grotto, and hung out in the game room. I found a secret room so me and I few guys, the painted cheetah girls, and a beauty queen went and hung out in there.
OH, and the security was mainly made up of Polynesians. I was having the best time just talking with them about the islands and testing how much of the language I remember. We have some of the same friends (no surprise, it’s a small island) and we love the same foods. They want to get me to try palolo but I don’t know if I can stomach that quite yet. I know I was only there for the night but I left with new friends that already feel like a little family. I’m invited back for the rest of the events this year and I am so excited to go back! I really can hardly wait for the next one. Most girls dream of fairytales with prince charming on a white horse but I guess my fairytale is a day on the beach and a party at the playboy mansion at night.
Ps- I met a very mysterious hottie who is pretty intriguing. I don’t know his name because I thought it would be more fun if we didn’t tell each other. He’s smart. He asked how he would find me again if I didn’t tell him my name or info and I said if he really wanted to see me again he would figure it out. I didn’t think he would find me again. I really thought he would be this fun mysterious stranger that I met and then never talked to again but he found me.
He’s a pretty crafty dude lol
for whatever reason xanga won't let me upload pictures tonight. It keeps giving me the 503 error message so you'll have to go to my facebook to see day 1 party pics. I didn't post any from the private party. What happens at the private party stays at the party 
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