February 20, 2013

  • They just re-named her like she was a dog or something



    Ok I haven't posted on here much about my new job but I have been there almost 2 months now. It's fun, but some days I get SO frustrated with it! I stressed myself into thinking I needed another job when in reality I had it made. I had enough money to pay my bills, add to my savings, travel, and a little left over to play. The best part was I had an almost completely flexible schedule. I could get on a plane and leave whenever I wanted, stay in other states and countries as long as I wanted and not have to worry about money. Ugh, kicking myself so hard right now. I pretty much had my dream lifestyle. So why would I get another job you ask? Well I ended up getting really sick around Christmas and had to spend Christmas in the hospital. When the bill came I just saw big numbers and instantly freaked out. I had the money to cover it and I would have been just fine but for whatever reason I just panicked and felt like I needed to get a 9-5 regular type of job asap.

    I needed another job about as bad as I need to lose my right hand. In getting this new job I took a huge pay cut because I no longer have as much time to do promo gigs and stuff like I used to and those pay more than double what I am making now. Plus I have this locked in schedule that prevents me from traveling whenever I feel like it.  My boss....I don't even know where to start. We aren't going to really go there right now.

    So yesterday I go in to work and there is a new girl at the counter. She tells me her name is *Melanie (name changed). I introduce myself and we small talk and then I go to the back and work a bit and then return to the front counter. My boss is there with the new girl and says she hasn't formally introduced us. She introduces the girl to me but says her name is Natalie. At this point I am really confused because her name tag says Natalie and my boss introduced her as Natalie but she had just finished telling me her name was Melanie. Obviously I asked her if Natalie was her middle name or something and she said no. Apparently my boss felt like there were already too many Melanie's working at the salon (we have a Melanie and a Mel) so she just decided to re-name her Natalie. It would make sense if Natalie was the girl's middle name, or even if it was a name she picked but it wasn't any of those things. My boss just took it on  herself to pull some random name out of her butt and call this girl Natalie even though it has nothing to do with her at all. Today when I went in to work they informed me that they have changed her name once again. This poor girl has only been here two days and they have already changed her name twice! At least this time her name has ties to her last name. Poor girl